A Matcha latte in the morning is a far better option than a cup of coffee. A powerhouse of antioxidants, it gives you an amazing health and energy boost. And making a Matcha latte is incredibly easy. You can actually use any type of milk available – Cow’s milk (full, semi, skimmed), coconut milk, soya milk, almond milk, rice milk, oat milk, Matcha is versatile enough to go well with all types of milks.
We thought you should know the pros and cons of each of these milk varieties so here’s what you need to know:
Cow’s Milk
Pros: Is a healthy and convenient source of vitamin D, calcium and potassium. Contains more protein than any other milk. Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
Cons: Unsuitable for the lactose-intolerant. May contain bacteria and hormones which are harmful for humans. Skimmed milk tends to have a lot of additives to make up for the fat that it’s skimmed off of.
Coconut Milk
Pros: Rich in iron, vitamin, and fibre. Rich in medium-chain fatty acids which help promote metabolism and support thyroid function.
Cons: Needs to be the carton variety, not the cans. Coconut milk is typically more expensive than other milk varieties.
Rice Milk
Pros: Great for those who have food allergies.
Cons: Could be a bit thin. Tastes better in baked dishes than in a latte.
Almond Milk
Pros: Contains fewer calories than cow’s milk but is almost as nutritious as cow’s milk. It’s good for those who are lactose-intolerant. Good for heart health.
Cons: Processed versions of it can contain added sugar and salt.
Soya Milk
Pros: Low in sugar, boosts calcium absorption, costs less than other milk varieties.
Cons: Tends to be processed and have a lot of additives. No longer recommended by many nutritionists.
Oat Milk
Pros: Free of cholesterols, is a good source of folic acid and vitamin E, promotes cardiovascular health, and has many other health benefits.
Cons: Not good for the gluten-intolerant, low in fibre, high in sugar, thin texture, comes with added thickeners, and since oats are grown with a lot of preservatives, it might contain residues of them.
Now, back to the latte:
Here’s what you need:
3/4 cup unsweetened milk of your choice
1 teaspoon Matcha tea
Agave syrup
Pour the milk in a small uncovered pot over medium to high heat and bring it to a simmer. Boil ¼ cup of water. Place 1 tsp Matcha in a heatproof cup and whisk in the boiling water, followed by the milk. Now add the agave syrup for sweetness. Create more foam by tilting the cup slightly.
If you’re looking for the very best taste, we recommend using dairy milk or coconut milk.